Hello you lovely lot, you’re in for a treat as I let you in on a special mine pie recipe!
Looking for Christmas food ideas to make this holiday season? If you fancy a mince pie, try this out!
Sweet Pastry
225g plain flour
110g butter
80g sugar
1 large egg
Splash of milk
▪ Crumb together by hand the butter and flour until they resemble breadcrumbs.
▪ Stir in the sugar.
▪ Mix in the egg and enough milk to form a soft dough.
▪ Wrap in clingfilm and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Cranberry Jewelled Mincemeat
500g mixture of raisins, currants and sultanas
140g dried apricots
85g dried cranberries
85g mixed peel
150ml brandy
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Zest and juice of 1 orange
175g suet
100g fresh cranberries, roughly chopped
200g soft brown sugar
1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground nutmeg
▪ Tip the dried fruits and mixed peel into a large bowl.
▪ Pour over the brandy, zests and juices, stir, cover and leave for 24 hours.
▪ Tip the mixture into a large saucepan with the remaining ingredients and stir well.
▪ Set over a medium heat, once the suet had melted turn up the heat and bubble for a few minutes.
▪ Transfer to sterilized jars.
Stollen Topping - This is what takes the mince pies to the next level, use the sweet pastry to make the tart bases, add the cranberry jewelled mince meat and then top with this stollen topping and you really do have the best mince pies EVER!
50g maderia cake
50g ground almonds
25g caster sugar
50g softened butter
1 egg yolk
3 tbsp candied peel
100g marzipan, finely diced
▪ Wizz the cake, ground almonds, caster sugar, butter and egg in a food processor until smooth.
▪ Transfer to a bowl, stir in the candied peel and marzipan.
▪ Cover the top of all your mince pies and bake as normal in the oven.